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I haven't been everywhere yet,

but it's on my list!

  • Writer's pictureDeborah Latham

But did I die?

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

I used to be a Jeep owner. Cult or community? I haven't figured it out yet! But, during that time, I saw a lot of decals that said, "But did you die?" I know, you're wondering where I'm going with this. How does this fit into a travel blog?

In 2005, I had a health scare. I almost died. If my then fiancé (now 17 years my husband), hadn't been there to call 911, I wouldn't be here today in my comfy chair, writing my first travel blog entry. It's a scary feeling to realize all you still want to do, and not know if you'll ever be able to do it.

Health crisis averted, I did NOT die! I survived with a deep desire to live my life to the fullest, spend a lot of time with family and friends, and my biggest dream has been to travel! I kept telling myself, when I retire, I'm going to go see the world. I would plan trips for "One day!" Then, a very wise elderly lady told me, "Deborah, if you want to travel, do it NOW! Don't wait until you're old like me. I saved all my life for retirement so I could travel the world, then I was too sick to go. All that money is going to medical bills and my grandchildren when I die." I took her advice to heart, and the first time I had enough money saved up to go overseas, I did. It made the desire to see the world even stronger. I've been to all 50 states, and 26 countries so far, and I am constantly researching, planning, and saving for that next trip! In this blog, I want to share my love for travel, tips for traveling on a budget, itineraries, experiences, and photos of wonderful places! My hope is to ignite a fire in my readers to go outside their comfort zone and go explore this gorgeous planet we live on! There's nothing like experiencing different cultures, foods, and landscapes! It truly is a wonderful world!


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Tammi Toivonen
Tammi Toivonen

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